How To Arrange A Work Party To Clear Land For Your New Church

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How To Arrange A Work Party To Clear Land For Your New Church

25 June 2015
, Blog

Has your present congregation grown so large that you need more space in which to meet? Perhaps you have been renting a building temporarily just until your congregation could buy its own place for worship and fellowshipping. Either way, you must be pretty excited to be moving to a new church building. If the members are trying to save money by clearing the land themselves, you might be one of the people in charge of accomplishing that large feat. Consider these ideas that will help you to have a great work day.

The More The Better - Obviously, the more people you have to clear the land, the faster and more efficiently the work will get done. 

  • Whether wrong or right, giving an incentive often means more people will volunteer. Perhaps you could get a local restaurant to give you a great price on a meal when the work is all done. You might even get the food donated. Another good incentive is to tell the folks in your congregation that there will be a special plaque made that will hold the names of all those who contributed their time and effort to the cause. 
  • When you get people to sign up, encourage all family members to do so. Clearing land is a huge job and even little hands can pick up rocks, trash and other debris. Consider asking a few of the members of your congregation to simply watch babies and toddlers so that parents can participate in the clearing work.

The Right Equipment - Selecting the best equipment to do big jobs will be half the battle.

  • If there are large trees on the property that need to be removed, strong people might be able to do that with shovels and grub hoes. You'll probably need to access some stump grinders, too. Think about getting mulching machines to make your job easier. Remember that trees can be cut and used for logs. Selling logs might be a great money maker for your congregation. 
  • Finally, you'll need bulldozers to finish clearing the land. Topsoil will be lost, but if a building will be erected on the land, that's not a problem. Consider tractors to remove the soil for use later on. Find out if there are members of your congregation who have the needed tools and equipment to do the job. You'll need heavy trailers for transporting large equipment. If necessary, you can rent every tool and all the equipment that is needed. If you've never rented before, you'll be surprised at how affordable it is to even rent the trailers you use to transport the equipment.

Good luck on arranging the work party to clear land for your new church building. For a professional hauling service, contact a company such as Santa Fe Tow Service.