Car Need To Be Towed? Know What To Do To Stay Safe

Do you have a teenage driver in your home? Does your teen know what to do if he or she has car troubles when out and about? Click here.

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preparing your teenager for roadside emergencies

Do you have a teenage driver in your home? Does your teen know what to do if he or she has car troubles when out and about? Is your teen driver included on your towing insurance policy? Does your teen driver have the phone numbers needed to get a tow when one is needed? There are many things that your teenager needs to know about when it comes to car troubles. Go to my site to find out what my mechanic helped me teach my son about dealing with roadside emergencies and car troubles. Hopefully, it will help you prepare your son or daughter for the day that the car breaks down on him or her.

Car Need To Be Towed? Know What To Do To Stay Safe

4 June 2021
, Blog

Are you in a situation where you need to have your car towed? It may have broken down on the side of the road unexpectedly, or you are locked out of your vehicle and have no way to get in. If so, you will want to follow these tips for staying safe until the tow truck arrives.

Get Your Car On The Side Of the Road

If your car has broken down while driving, know that It is very dangerous to leave a vehicle in a lane of traffic until a tow truck can come. Always try to use any remaining momentum to get your vehicle on the side of the road if possible. You can also put the car in neutral and try pushing it to the side of the road if you have enough help to do this. Moving the car off to the shoulder or far right lane is going to make it less likely that someone hit your vehicle by accident.

Put On Hazards Lights

Any car that is not moving on the road, even on the shoulder, can be a hazard to those that drive by. Make sure to put on your vehicle's hazard lights so that it can alert other drivers that something is wrong. If you have any emergency reflectors or road flares that you can place on the road behind the vehicle, do that as well just to be safe.

Avoid Waiting In Your Vehicle

Since there is a risk of someone hitting a vehicle that is on the side of the road, it is a good idea to not wait in the vehicle. Stand behind the vehicle's location and a few feet back from the road so that you are protected if someone does run into your vehicle by accident. 

Get Somewhere Safe

Depending on where your vehicle broke down, it may be a good idea to go someone safe until the tow truck arrives. This may mean going to a nearby gas station so that you can wait inside. If you are experiencing a lock out, go back to the store you were visiting and wait there. It should be some place that is well lit and you are not waiting in the dark at night. You can tell the tow truck company where you are located, and they will likely pick you up and take you to your vehicle. 

For more information about what to do if you experience a car lockout, contact a towing company.