
Do you have a teenage driver in your home? Does your teen know what to do if he or she has car troubles when out and about? Click here.

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preparing your teenager for roadside emergencies

Do you have a teenage driver in your home? Does your teen know what to do if he or she has car troubles when out and about? Is your teen driver included on your towing insurance policy? Does your teen driver have the phone numbers needed to get a tow when one is needed? There are many things that your teenager needs to know about when it comes to car troubles. Go to my site to find out what my mechanic helped me teach my son about dealing with roadside emergencies and car troubles. Hopefully, it will help you prepare your son or daughter for the day that the car breaks down on him or her.

3 Reasons To Hire A Heavy Hauling Company For Your Wide Load

21 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are hauling a wide load that isn't overly heavy, you might assume that you can go ahead and take care of it with your own equipment. There are a lot of challenges that go along with hauling these types of loads yourself. Unless you have the experience of hauling wide loads on major roads and highways, it's probably a job best left to a heavy hauling company that does it every day. Read More …

How To Make Car Breakdowns Less Stressful When On Vacation

13 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you planning a road trip for your vacation this year? Do you know what to do if your vehicle suddenly breaks down? Are you worried about the stress of finding a towing service while on vacation? Although a vehicle that needs towing can be stressful, here are some to make the process easier: Bring plenty of food and water: You may be planning to take a busy route that has plenty of gas stations and fast food locations and that extra food and water will be a waste of space. Read More …

How To Arrange A Work Party To Clear Land For Your New Church

25 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Has your present congregation grown so large that you need more space in which to meet? Perhaps you have been renting a building temporarily just until your congregation could buy its own place for worship and fellowshipping. Either way, you must be pretty excited to be moving to a new church building. If the members are trying to save money by clearing the land themselves, you might be one of the people in charge of accomplishing that large feat. Read More …

What You Should Know About Auto Recycling

28 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a car that is no longer running and the repairs would cost too much, you might want to consider recycling it. Selling the car as-is may be difficult unless you find someone that wants to use the parts or do a massive rebuilding project. Here is more information about recycling your car. Parts That Can be Recycled Instead of the entire vehicle being recycled as-is, most recycling centers will remove different parts from the vehicle and recycle them separately. Read More …